Put room temperature drinking water into the outer pot of the Yogurt Maker, filling to the line approximately a third of the way up the side
Third-fill the inner pot with room temperature drinking water and thoroughly whisk in a whole bag of EasiYo Yogurt Base. Continue whisking while topping up with more water.
Put the lid on the inner pot and gently lower into the outer pot. Plug the Yogurt maker in and press the red start button. Leave to set for 8-12 hours then refrigerate the inner pot. Once chilled, serve.
The EasiYo solution has helped our business by allowing us to make bulk production as and when needed and with reduced costs, versatility and a reduction in plastics due to the process.
— Simon, MD at Miquill Catering
Using EasiYo in our nursery and preschool was one of the best decisions we’ve made recently! We love making our own yoghurt on-site – it’s a real draw card for parents as it’s healthy, homemade and low sugar. We use it with a couple of toppings everyday as a really easy dessert in all of our rooms – we have even popped it in the freezer and made frozen yoghurt lollies!
— Sarah, General Manager at Meganursery
We chose to use this as we believe in the story behind the product, the fact that we make fresh yogurt in our kitchens and has an amazing shelf life of 2 weeks once made.
— Andy, Group Executive Chef at Impact Food Group